Saturday, October 13, 2012

New York Comic-Com 2012

      Another year at NYCC and I was not thrilled, I usually stay for a good 8 hours or longer in the past and just did not have it in me and did not feel after 3 hours that there was anything really for me to see or catch my fancy. First off the bat I noticed Hasbro and other attendees of last year, Hasbro is a big part of the show for me so they were sorely missed. I did also hear a few negative comments by both the Con goers and the Exhibitors. A big complaint was about Hasbro, Intel and other Exhibitors not showing up for this years con all the way to the cos play at this years con. I was not happy with Marvel or D.C. and there booths in the least. Again Marvel handed out free preview books and not complete issues, the run of the mill stuff you expect on Free Comic Book Day. I subscribe to the D.C. way of handing out complete issues of there properties to try and get new readership, It does work. Problem is D.C. was handing out books from The New 52 from last year, some titles which me and many goers already got last year. Also for every good costume there was about 100 plus bad ones, at least I walked away with some good pictures last year. Almost nothing was picture worthy except one I could not get of the Black Widow at the Marvel stage. Hopefully all this is fixed for next year, so enough complaining and let me present what I feel was noteworthy and actually made my trip worth it.

1. D. C. Comics actually had some boss sculpts I will show since I feel they really deserve the exposure because of the work put into them.

     All in all I would say these are some sweet pieces, I do not collect myself due to lack of space provided to me to store my comic related material but there are a few here I would love to get my slimy paws on. It also took the sting out of not being so happy with this years show.

2. Dead Man's Party

     A second year in a row I get to meet up with the artist of Dead Man's Party Scott Barnett and talk shop. It is much appreciated and will use what I took away. If any one has missed the reviews on the first two issues I will attach the links here and trust me when I say this is a great read.

Dead Man's Party Issue #1 Review

Dead Man's Party Issue #2 Review

3. G.I. Joe A Real American Hero (Larry Hama Style)

     So I did a very bad thing when I was younger, for some strange reason I traded away my Marvel Larry Hama G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! collection. Well I am paying for it now, I have been trying hard to reacquire all the books I got rid of most stupidly for I have no clue what I did get in return for them to this day. So every year I make it a must to stop by one of the comic dealer booths to get more Joe books to complete this collection. I am now on my way to needing less than 20% of the 155 books and this made the Con to me 100% worth it. I hope NYCC does a better job next year and there is always room for improvement. Hopefully I will have a table next year and hope all comes to visit and support me.

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