First off Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and Happy Holidays. Now that that is out of the way lets get down to business. Many have been wondering about a release date for Spell #2, It will be the first quarter of 2014. I am beginning production on Spell #3 in the form of plotting and penciling in a hour or so. I actually used my last two vacation days to dedicate all of Thursday and Friday to get as many pages plotted as I can possible do.
1. Spell #2 - End of the 1st quarter of 2014, when I get closer to release I will announce a date and not before. Spell #2 has been done and in the can for almost 10 months now, most may ask why? Well I did not like the gap between the 1st issue and the time it took to produce the 2nd issue, also for those that do not know I have twin 19 month baby girls and a full time day job. This makes it hard to produce a book just with the job, you add the kids and family it almost came to a halt for good. I even questioned if I would ever be able to produce on a level and time frame that would make me happy and at this time the answer is yes!
2. Spell #3 - The third installment will be released in the late 3rd quarter/early 4th quarter of 2014. Wish me luck on this, I would love to release this book to coincide with 2014's New York Comic Con. But only time will tell!
3. For the time being the comic reviews will continue, if at anytime I feel this gets in the way of my work I will dump the reviews and cut my comic intake to get the books out in a timely fashion
4. So Spell #1 in my opinion was a success, I ordered 160 copies and only have 4 copies left and a few copies sold online. I actually made more money then I put into the book in way of supplies and printing cost. The amount of time I put in was not covered, but all in all I enjoy doing this and you never know. So I would love if more people come out and order the 1st issue from Indy Planet Spell #1 Link to purchase or contact me for a copy at
To celebrate the holiday season I will be posting Spell #1 in its entirety through the next 3 days, hope you enjoy and please support Spell, PsychoRelik Studios and independent comics. Click on each page to get a full page view.
Joseph Hottendorf Jr.
A.K.A. Hock
PsychoRelik Studios
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To be continued tomorrow 12/24/13 and concluded on 12/25/13
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